COURSE TYPE: Webinar (Non VR)

A comprehensive overview of the newbuild IHM and what it should include to ensure compliance...

WEBINAR DATE & TIME: Thursday 10th May (15:00 BST) 

With the EU's deadline of 2020 for Inventory of Hazardous materials for existing ships getting ever closer, it is imperative that owners and operators start to plan for achieving compliance.

However, the newbuild IHM, which shall be a requirement of all EU flagged vessels, or any newbuild vessels trading to the EU, is not as simple as it sounds.

In this webinar, we highlight some of the common misconceptions of the newbuild IHM, discuss some horror stories of owners who were not aware that the IHM the yard provided them with was non compliance, and general tips on how to ensure compliance.

Learning Outcomes

The aim of this webinar is to highlight some of the common misconceptions of the newbuild IHM, discuss some horror stories of owners who were not aware that the IHM the yard provided them with was non compliance, and general tips on how to ensure compliance.

  • Gain an understanding of EU IHM legislation and applicability

  • Understand what a newbuild IHM should contain

  • Understand what steps should be taken to ensure that any newbuild IHM received from a shipyard is compliant

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  • Stuart McKenna

    Ship Recycling & IHM Specialist

    Stuart McKenna

    Stuart is a qualified naval architect and considered an industry expert on ship recycling and production of Inventories of Hazardous Materials (IHM) – something most vessels will require to have in place by end of 2020, thanks to the EU’s Ship Recycling Regulation.